Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My teacher let me see again.

From back home in Bethlehem, PA it appears that night has fallen upon General Convention. My heart is heavy and prayers ever fervent for a way forward. A posting on the Bethlehem ecunet listserve speaks of blindness. Are we, like blind Bartimaeus, being asked "What do you want me to do for you?" Will we, like Bartimaeus ask, "My teacher let me see again." And, when given sight, will we, like Bartimaeus, leave the comfort of what is familiar to follow Jesus?

I offer this prayer for all of us this day:

Ever present God of light and darkness, help us to see our blindness.
Son who bears our blindness, give us courage to ask to see again.
Spirit of the truth and justice, give us strength to follow your Way.

(See Mark 10 for the full story of Bartimaeus' courage to ask and follow.)


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