Thursday, June 22, 2006

General Convention: Christian Formation Is a Life-long Process

The past 11 days our deputies and bishops have traveled the mountains and valleys together. And as some have remarked, we have limped across the finish line. Our grateful hearts are with our deputies and bishops as they travel home.

When I agreed to blog I knew that much of the work of GC would be overshadowed by the response to the Windsor Report. And, so I committed to keeping before me the fullness of the work of the Church. Here is a summary of those resolutions I promised to follow. I pray that we will continue to listen to the Holy Spirit and to do the work that God has brought before us.

Resolution A067 (amended) passed.
This resolution approves, for experimental use, additional prayers and liturgies for transitions in life.

Resolution A070 passed. The Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music is asked to develop liturgies for pastoral issues that relate to the adoption of a child.

Resolution A089 (amended) passed. This resolution affirms the work of the Pastoral Leadership Search Effort (PLSE; pronounced "pulse"), and requests PB&F to allocate about $386,000 to the PLSE initiative.

Resolution A100 was not considered at GC 2006. This resolution identified Christian formation to be in a state of crisis and sought more adequate methods for reporting the state of Christian formation to General Convention.

Resolution A105 passed. This resolution establishes a Standing Commission on Lifelong Christian Education and Formation.

I am awestruck by the stamina and commitment of our deputies and bishops. They have struggled through blood, sweat, and tears to respond to the Windsor Report in a way that expresses our desire to be in conversation with the Communion They have also picked up the multitude of legislation that needed to be attended to nurture our souls. I particularly appreciate the new prayers and liturgies that recognize the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in renewing the whole creation. Let us now go and tell what we have seen~share these prayers with our fellow Episcopalians and encourage their use at gatherings~at home or at church. In the Book of Occasional Prayers you will find prayers for becoming a big brother or sister, beginning a job, important birthdays (both young and old), and reclaiming health. Yes, we have the words to celebrate God's presence and blessings!

I am also thankful that GC established a Standing Commission on Lifelong Christian Education and Formation. I was surprised by this resolution at first. Christian education and formation are foundational to ministry and mission;' why wasn't there already such a commission before?
Alas, this deficiency has been addressed. Amen to this resolution and hearty prayers for the work before them!

Thus ends the round-up. Truly, the Holy Spirit moves among us. And we need to continue to offer ourselves up to God for wholeness and healing so that we may witness to God's deep love for all creatures.

Almighty and most merciful God, grant that by the indwelling of your Holy Spirit we may be enlightened and strengthened for your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives, and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, on God, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP, p. 251)

In peace,


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