God is Love
Good Friday Sermon
April 14, 2017
The Rev. Charles Barebo
Good Friday Sermon
April 14, 2017
The Rev. Charles Barebo
God is love and nowhere is this more true than on Good
Friday. For God gave his only son so that those who believe in him would not
perish. For God to have endured Good Friday seems an incredible witness to His
love for us. That love, to sacrifice his only son so that we might truly live,
is incredible. . For those of you who are parents, you know how we suffer when one of your children suffers. For
me it would be better that I undergo the sickness, pain or trauma than to
witness the suffering of either of my children. When I meditate on Good Friday
I am amazed by the love that God shows for us and the incongruity in our
The love story starts in the first chapter of Genesis. After
God has perfected creation he creates mankind, the image bearer. Our role is to
enjoy God’s presence, to worship and celebrate, to procreate, to take
responsibility for creation and to reflect our creator’s love back to creation.
What an incredible blessing….to celebrate, to create, to worship, to be
responsible for the Garden and to reflect God’s love to the rest of creation.
It seems too good to be true. And then God visits the Garden to spend time with
man, to hang out and enjoy our company.
Something about the way we’re wired makes it hard for us to
stay in our role as image-bearers. Perhaps because we are made in God’s image
we forget who we are and the role we are to play. For over 4,000 years we have sinned,
that is strayed from our role, from our relationship with our Creator. Time
after time God comes back to rescue us.
Sin isn’t a fussy list of dietary do’s and don’ts. Sin is
when we turn our back on God, when we hurt people or when we worship something
that isn’t meant to be worshipped. And man’s history is replete with examples
of all three. When I talk about worshipping something that was never intended
to be worshipped I mean things like position and power. We call that sin
idolatry. Things never intended to be deified and worshipped. Yet the list of
our idols is a long one: money, power, position, sex, food, wine and the list
goes on and on. And this sin has been leading people astray ever since we left
the Garden.
So on Good Friday we find something has gone terribly wrong.
The story has reversed, and become corrupted. The love story that begins in a
garden sees the beginning of the end in a garden. In Genesis God goes to the
garden to find man while on Good Friday we find that man has come to the
garden, Gethsemane, to find God. But man’s intentions are to destroy God. Jesus
threatens the comfortable position and power of the chief priests and scribes.
And these sins the idolatry of power, position, money and sex are the
foundations of man’s sad turn from the garden.
This worship of position and power has led the Jewish nation
to Golgotha. Pinioned under the crushing weight of the Roman occupation, the
false Jewish king Herod and the chief priests and scribes have sold out their God
and his people to keep their power and privilege. They condemn an innocent man,
the true Jewish King to a horrific death, so that they may continue to enjoy
power, money and position. Is there any sin greater? To deny God, to manipulate
His people, to condemn an innocent man so that they can enjoy fine clothes,
good food and money is the essence of evil.
The farcical judgement and trial of Jesus by the chief
priests and then Pilate is all about worshiping the idol of power and
privilege. All evil combined that day to overthrow the Kingdom of God and his
son. And so, Jesus is called the King of the Jews by Pilate. The pretenders
mock him and scourge him. He is stripped, beaten, and spat upon. His throne will be the cross. He has known of
his fate and announced it no less than four times to his disciples. He accepts
his fate and is nailed to the tree.
When Jesus dies on the cross that first Good Friday
something happens. The cross is the moment when the world suddenly changed –
inaugurating God’s redemption plan for the world. Jesus taught his disciples to
pray “your kingdom come on earth as in heaven.” And Jesus has ushered in the
age of the kingdom on earth. The moment of Jesus’ death the world becomes a
different place, for the kingdom has indeed come. The victory of death is
shattered forever. While the resurrection will be the first sign that God’s new
plan is underway. Good Friday is the day the revolution began, the revolution
against evil and idolatry.
So, the story of God’s love continues, until the end of
time. God’s work for his beloved, we, the image bearers, is now clear. We are
to bring the kingdom to life on earth. Good Friday is the day the love
revolution began. God is love.
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