Monday, January 06, 2014

Sermon Second Sunday after Christmas- January 5

Second Sunday of Christmas January 5th, 2014
The Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, PA
The Very Rev. Anthony R. Pompa
Good morning!  Happy New Year!  Happy Christmas!

We have celebrated much over these past weeks and days. Our crèche holds out story still of the babe lying in a manger full of promise and hope. Visitors assembled representing all of creation- parents, shepherds, Angels, = Animals of the field, Stars of the night- all bearing witness to this gift that God is bearing for us.
We have made our way to the end of our twelve day celebration of Christmastide,  from partridges in a pear tree, to calling doves, to pipers pipers and drummers drumming- our story now draws us toward Epiphany, which is actually tomorrow, and the story generously given to us today in our propers of those courageously adventurous wise “men” from the east who follow a star because their souls have been stirred to come and bear gifts to this nascent promise of salvation.

 Our primary actors in this story today are in the scriptures nameless! Who might they be? Visitors Matthew tells us, Magi! Though scholars throughout the years have tried to decipher just who these Magi might be, “magician’s, or Zoroastrian Priests, it seems a reasonable conclusion that these “wise men” of the East at the least dabbled in astrology, and capturing a glimpse of the skies find themselves on a journey toward something clearly compelling enough to warrant a plan of action.

Most importantly for Matthew’s Gospel, they are gentiles, and their recognition of this new born “King” tells us of God’s plan of salvation for all of the world and sets the stage for the drama that Matthew desires to tell of those within Israel struggling to accept the fullness of God’s Kingdom promise and God’s longing to shine a light of salvation for all of the world!
 Christian tradition would name them, Melchior, king of Persia, Gaspar, King of India, and Balthazar, King of Arabia! Their following of this star would lead them to the presence of a new King, unlike any they had ever encountered! They would bring gifts worthy of a King, Gold of course! Frankincense and Myrrh, fragrance and oil worthy for the anointing of a King!
Gifts- Worthy of giving- sharing- and building of a Kingdom.
And so is our punchline if you will as we enter the season of our story- the Season of Epiphany. Good news- it really is about the gifts- given to us and gifts we give to build the Kingdom.

THE EPIPHANY is God manifesting God’s light and goodness to us- his followers who have been given a gift in him to be received- and God’s manifesting light and goodness spread to the world through us by our sharing the gifts we have been given.
I have been to celebrations  a many this time of year and enjoy the ritual of exchanging gifts- this ritual rooted in the story really of these wise men bringing gifts in homage of the greatest gift. I love truthfully both the beauty seen in the givers heart of a thoughtful and meaningful carefully chosen gift given, and the joy and excitement that lights up the face of the recipient of such a gift.
There are those also who carefully and impeccably and beautifully wrap gifts and those (like myself) whose gifts sometimes are wrapped with more tape then should be allowed in order to make the “paper work”. Then there are those who enthusiastically and dramatically open gifts in short order, and those who impeccably remove wrapping as if not to disturb beauty.
In a new year whatever your temperament- wether you enthusiastically rip open with excitement a new chapter in your relationship with Jesus- the gift, or carefully unfold another beautifull crease in this gift that is yours and Christ’s- open the gift and receive it with joy.

Then again wether enthusiastically and even aggressively or carefully and intentionally do you “wrap” your own gifts of light and joy to the world does not matter- just (as Nike says) do it- offer it- and let Christ’s light Shine.